Upon arrival, Jurassic Park visitors were treated to an animated short, hosted by an affable character named Mr. DNA. Aptly named, the colorful moderator resembled a DNA strand and would interact with John Hammond while enthusiastically explaining how Ingen made dinosaurs.
Using only laymen's terms, "thinkin' machines, super computers" this animated field trip took the viewer on a scientific adventure, explaining how DNA was initially collected and ultimately coupled with frog DNA to, "make a baby dinosaur..."
Measuring 13" in height and weighing about 4 pounds, this faithful recreation of Mr. DNA was ultimately modeled from screen used animation cels and will be limited to a one-time production run of 1000 pieces. Magnetic arms and acrylic head ensure safe shipping while in transit.
While perfect as a standalone collectible, Paragon FX group is proud to offer this piece as the perfect companion to our previous and forthcoming replicas from Jurassic Park. I mean, who better to stand over and guard your Cryo Can than Mr. DNA?!
- Estimated arrival 1st quarter 2025
- Please note: This item cannot be shipped outside the US
- Please see our FAQ page for more information on our waitlist and reserves.